Space Master, GM Book de Kevin Barrett

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Space Master is a science-fiction space-adventure system compatible with Cyberspace, Rolemaster, HARP and to a lesser extent Middle-earth Role Playing.The Space Master system is usable in a variety of SF environments, from a dark near future of post-holocaust Earth, to... Leer más

libro gratis Space Master, GM Book
Space Master is a science-fiction space-adventure system compatible with Cyberspace, Rolemaster, HARP and to a lesser extent Middle-earth Role Playing.
The Space Master system is usable in a variety of SF environments, from a dark near future of post-holocaust Earth, to a culture of high-tech exploration, to a distant time where civilization has fallen to superstitious ruin. Space Master can also be integrated with Rolemaster used together they set the stage, for sweeping, coherent, science-fantasy and multi-genre campaigns.
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Raquel es licenciada en Periodismo en la UCM. Desde pequeña, ha sido una ávida lectora y siempre ha disfrutado de sumergirse en mundos imaginarios a través de las páginas de un libro. Además, le encanta explorar nuevos lugares y culturas, y ha tenido la oportunidad de viajar a varios países en diferentes continentes. Actualmente, trabaja como redactora web y sigue descubriendo nuevos libros y lugares fascinantes.